Tuesday, August 26, 2014

KNOCK, KNOCK! Special Delivery

Since I came back to work, every moment of every day has been busy.  It feels like I've been playing cla nonstop game of catch-up.  My lesson planning is on a day to day basis (Sometimes minute to minute).  I don't like being underprepared it's the magic recipe for misbehaving.  I'm so thankful to have a full day teacher assistant.  She is a great help when it comes to tackling my todo list.  Even with my assistant I spend every moment before school, during my breaks, and before leaving to get my classroom ready.  

My classroom has a small window on the door.  This window drives me nuts during break time.  I usually eat lunch in my room and get some kind of work done.  Sometimes I cover the window so that people won't bother me or I sit in a corner where I can't be seen. On most occasions I will ignore any knocking at my door. I do feel kind of bad about doing this but I usually get kids knocking on the door asking me some silly questions that could have waited until they came back to class.

Each day the school provides breakfast for the students in the classroom.  Today I invited them to fill a bucket after they ate their breakfast.  (I'm trying to build community and buy a few extra minutes to figure out this whole attendance fiasco--#misiscrisis).  I noticed some kids writing little notes and passing them but I let it slide, you have to pick your battles. Then I noticed a folded sheet of paper that read "To Ms. Gibson."  At this point I let them have their fun.  10 minutes later I forgot about the whole thing because I had so many things on my list to do.

A couple of hours later when it was time for recess, the kids were a bit noisy when it came time to line up.  I'm training my students to get ready in a decent amount of time or we can use their break time to make everything better.  Unfortunately their break time is also my break time and I was getting irritated.  I tried to hide my frustrations and start working on my todo list as the students watched.  Of course the kids got really quiet and fixed their lines so we could go outside. 

I walked my students outside to the yard.  When I dismissed them I thought I saw a couple of my students try to approach me.  I think they were nervous and hesitant.  I took advantage of this opportunity and retreated to my classroom.  As soon as I wash my hands and go for a snack I hear a knock at the door.  As I angrily walked over to open the door I was already practicing the scolding that I was about to give who ever it was for disturbing me during my very short break.  Before I had a chance to say a word, one girl places a handmade package into my face while saying, "Knock, knock.  Special delivery."

All of my annoyances quickly faded and I felt a sense of honor and joy.  These kids had coordinated a special little gift for me.  They had prepared an envelope with some goodies that included Hello Kitty sticker (I'm pretty sure I gave them that black pen and they just gave it back to me but that's ok, it's truly the thought that counts).  My bucket was overflowing with happiness.  

I had to remind myself that these are just sweet little kids. I can't take things out on them because I'm not prepared.  My plans and materials need to be in order so that I am not trying to use all my breaks to prepare for the next lesson.  It's not fair to me and it's not fair to them.  As my classroom is starting to fall in place and I am utilizing my TA more, I commit to doing better starting now.

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