Friday, April 4, 2014

Orville Left & Wilbur Right

No matter how you are feeling, the innocence of a child can brighten your day. That moment when a child understands something new is pure magic.  I can't imagine myself in another profession.  In my opinion, teaching is the hardest and most rewarding thing to do.

Our current literature unit focuses on how people can work together as a team for different reasons.  This week we are looking at how teamwork has played a vital role in the evolution of flight.  The story we have been reading is called From Gliders to Rockets.  The Wright brothers are synonymous with flight and of course they were discussed in great detail.  

Here is the caption for one of the photos in the story "Orville, left, and Wilbur, right, almost always wore suits and ties.  The brothers even wore them while testing their designs in hot weather."
Student #1: "Why is he called Orville Left and he is called Wilbur Right?"
Me: (I had to process this question for a while because this is the first time I've ever been asked this.  So I went with my typical teacher response when I don't have an immediate answer.  This is the best tip that I can give any new teacher.) "That's a great question and I'm glad you asked it, but let's see what your classmates think."
Student #2: "Well, maybe one brother thought about the left side of the plane and the other brother thought about the right side?"
Student #3: "One brother probably built the left side of the plane and the other brother probably built the right side."
Student #4: (Clearly annoyed) "Or maybe that's just what their mom named them!"

This discussion was so intriguing to me!  After all the back and forth about why one guy is Left and the other one is Right, I was able to explain to them what it actually means.

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